zondag 18 september 2011

17 september 2011 Wijk aan Zee

Headed to Wijk again.. as it should be bits windy!

When i was actually standing on top of the dunes.. i had some doubts what to rig.
The wind should be increasing but it didnt look much at the time. Rigged my Sado 5.4m2, hoping it would got stronger later on.. that with the quatro quad ls95 underneeth. Didnt brought any other boards with me so didnt leave me much else choice.
The wind was up and down all day. Nothing big, nothing special, but had my piece of fun.
Later on the afternoon i had the idea the wind was increasing bits, and took a break to get a drink at the parking.. took that time aswell to change sailsizes. From 5.4 to Sado 2g 5.0m2. When i was back the beach. The wind was gone again.. and now i was standing there with an even smaller sailsize. Waited a while and the windmachine luckily came back. Not much stronger but still able to plane. The first time sailing the new sado 2g 5.0m2.
I must say, the sails are such an improvement to the older models. Besides the different outline, looks, the sail has an enormous low end. And gives a stable feeling in hands. I am curious though when i get to surf in highwind conditions with these sails.

Packed and ready to go home..

2 opmerkingen:

  1. hoi, het lijkt me wel leuk om te leren windsurfen. weet iemand als er windsurflessen worden gegeven in de omgeving van wijk aan zee?

    grts, Daniel

    1. Hallo Daniel,
      Heb je nog nooit eerder gewindsurfd? Dan zou ik zeker eerst op het binnenwater beginnen. Wellicht op een makkelijke spot zoals bijvoorbeeld strand horst. Je kan daar het e.e.a. huren en ook lessen nemen. Veel informatie over windsurfen kan je terug vinden op het nederlandse windsurf forum www.windsurfing.nl Als je het al redelijk onder knie hebt, zoals kunnen waterstarten, gypen, planeren, chophoppen etc dan kan je het eens gaan proberen op zee. Ik zou 1,2,3, niet weten of er lessen gegeven worden rondom wijk aan zee, maar wellicht kan je de vraag stellen op het windsurfforum. Groeten Edwin
