zaterdag 30 april 2011

Queensday 30 april'11 The Other Side - Waddenzee Texel

Today its Queensday.. We went to Den Burg, the 'big' city over here. Bought some kiddy goodies at the market and enjoyed the great weather.
The impossible has actually happened!!! - My wife bought herself her very first Wetsuit! - That in 'Roxy style' :-)

that ll be tested soon @ strand Horst on those summerly days.

Later on the day, we went to 'The Other Side' of the island and had my piece of fun out there between the sheeps. lol.
Its really a sheep island, sheep here, sheep there, sheeps everywhere.

The wind was totally in a EAST direction, about 6-7 beaufort. Hard enough to rig my 5.0m2 and SOS Rocketfish 82L.

Local Bart Goemans was just about to leave. Luckly it got on time, as it was still hightide. One other holidaytripper came by aswell, so we had our bits of fun together on the water.

My family was on the lookout, as my babygirl was asleep in the car.

My son was searching for shells and took them all home (and placed in my garden now)

Full power with the 5.0, I did quite a few tabletops some were quite high and tweaked. So much fun in these choppy conditions.

On the look out and searching for shells.

Rock on!

Got this one'snapshot'from a bit of film. a small tabletop.

On the island they have some kinda tradition on queensday called 'Meierblis!
chase away the ghost from the island, some other say its a 2nd newyearseve.. Anyway. they set the whole island on firrrrrrrrrrrrrre

Burrrrrrrrrrrn it down

Bye Texel - hopefully be back soon

27 april 2011 - Pole 9 -Texel

Cruising around the island is what we've done a lot. Visiting all them little villages once or twice :)Here we are @Ecomare

watching them lil fishes and seals.

Enjoying himself on the trampoline at our stay ;o)

I went kiting quite a lot with my little boy. One of them days the line snatched several times because the wind was to strong.

But there was also a bit time left to be on the water :)
My wife dropped me off at spot pole9, and came back several hours later.

I surfed there with Local Bart Goemans and one other guy.
The wind was good for my 6.6m2 and Malibu Wavewarrior.

Nothing radical. but nicely getting tanned as the weather was great.

We ended up having a nice dinner at restaurant Pole9 - Texel.

The coming days the winddirection is in a East Direction. Probably I'm going to surf one of these days on the other side of the island where are no waves at all, perhaps there will be some steep chop to jump on.. We will find out.

26 april 2011 -pole 28 Texel


As we are on the island allready for a few days, it was time for me to get some quality time on the water. Yes!

I decided to go towards Paal 28, a bit on top of the island. A few kilometres below to the lightpole.

The conditions were like 5-6 beaufort, with a Northeast direction which was side to sideoffshore over there.

As noonelse was on the water, i took my iphone with me, just in case if something would happen out there.

At first i went out on my SOS Rocketfish 82 combined with 5.0m2. I just love this combination. I't been a while that ive been sailing with sideoff condtions.

I had some really nice waves out there. Nothing big but good enough to hit some lips. The wind became less and quickly I went over to my 5.4m2 and good old Malibu WaveWarrior.

I had my GoPro HD with me on the water today, and have to edit some film still. Asap... but then again. I got lots of film left to edit, from the wavedays in february and from march 2011. And a speedsession and and... Nevermind, probably done by next winter. Just be patient :)

We finished the day having a few drinks at the pole28 restaurant. It was a pleasant day to be on the water.

Tommorow is looking good aswell!