maandag 31 december 2012

The Sandmotor - Zandmotor 30 december 2012

The  Sandmotor..  conditions should been perfect.. and it was.
only i came to late ;o)
walked the walk with my 4.2 swag and LS85.. finally on the water... no wind, but nice waves!
My friends Jacco, Helmut and Richard were ripping it up and also coming back to shore.
As i was stuburn, i went out anyway. Wasted a lot of energy to get behind the breaks.
and in return i got a really long swim back to the shore. :( The wind kinda vanished even more.
Rigged off my swag 4.2 and switched over to Salt 5.2m2 + LS95.

With my biggest board, i was able to plane so now and then. but it wasnt more then that.
Waves were getting mushy.  Not my day!

woensdag 26 december 2012

Force 10 Beaufort... Holland kicking ass this winter

Forecasts looks promising coming weekend. Force 10.... AGAIN!! 8-)

Holland rocks!   if it comes out ill be saterdaymorning at Wijkiki beach rigging my SWAG 3.2m2 just once more this year :-)    if not... my 3.7 SWAG would do just fine aswell.

maandag 24 december 2012

Cruising and chophopping at the Zandmotor 23-12-2012

Where to go..

Sideonshore WSW directions and force 7!
Today we decided to go towards the Zandmotor.

 The Zandmotor is located in the south of Holland. It should be a good spot if the swell is working.  The winddirection WSWover there is more sideshore, but unfortunately hardly any swell this time.

A lot of guys from the boardkings ireland windsurftrip where present. A little reunion at the zandmotor!  :-)

A few pictures below how it was like today. Pictures taken by Jacco B.
I was sailing the white 4b. 5oceans 4.6m2 and LS85.

i had a few laps aswell on the quatro thruster 2013 82Liters from Jacco. An awesome board, with a total differnt feel as on the LS quad85.
For now i prefer my good old quad though.

trying a table..looks like one handed.. crashed afterwards

cruising with the LS85.

here below is my buddy robin, surfing the NP 4.2 with his JP quad 68!

my friend Robin, had a gopro mounts on his masttop and boom. See below the results :


zondag 23 december 2012

Hurricane session @ Wijkiki -NL 25 november 2012

picture made by:

A Hurricane session?

it sure looked like one!  I was way overpowerd on the Point-7 SWAG'13 3.2m2! Took my sons sail to play out there. In the early morning when i arrived i saw lampie on the parkinglot, mentioned it was to much for his 3.6m2! He planned to wait out the eye of the storm untill later today. the forecast said the wind would decrease later on around 3pm. As it was 11am at the time and a full blowing 10beaufort with 11 beaufort gusts?
My other friend Robin canceld last moment knowing it was to much, he went instead to a lake. My other friend BArt, did go out there and decided to make pictures first.. and maybe perhaps go on later on. I was not planning to wait out the biggest storm of the year and rigged up my sons kiddysail P7 3.2m2 SWAG!

Pictures below made by BArt ter Haar
As you can imagine it was not very crowded on the water during the afternoon. 3 guys max, including me all using 3.2/ 3.3m2 wavesails and still being overpowerd. I was on my Quatro Quad LS75'12 for the first time, and for the first on my swag 3.2m2.

As the conditions were quite radical i can say, for this occasion i put on my helmet and impactvest ;)
My dad came by for this occasion and was standing on the pier, making videofootage.
My friend Bart Ter Haar was making pictures from the pier aswell. 2 guys on the lookout for when something goes wrong.
The first hour or so, i was to much overpowerd, didnt find really the right settings. i was catapulting non stop when i got airborn. non stop 50+ knots in the sky doesnt gave me good control.

MAX 57,7Knots / GOPRO HD2 screenshot..  The HURRICANE vid will follow soon!
a tabletop sequence with force 11!
Overpowerd on the 3.2!
a nice flat speedstrip before take off!
and there we go one of the many big floaty jumps !

zaterdag 22 december 2012


How cool is that, the surf magazine placed an article about the biggest storm of the year! I'ts about a select group of stormriders who has been chasing the NOVEMBER STORM! its in dutch though 8-)
hardcore moments.
the section about my day :-))
Got loads of nice feedback on whatsapp, sms and email. Thanks! Hopefully 2013 will bring again some insane storms! More pictures from the november stormchase, you can find here:

zondag 16 december 2012


Enjoy watching! Vimeo version:

Ice Cold Wintersession @ IJmuiden 10 december 2012 from Surfjunky on Vimeo.

Youtube version: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My next vid will be coming out soon and will be slightly a bit more hardcore! ;-) The HURRICANE wavesession! Ripping alone out there overpowerd on a Point-7 SWAG 3.2m2. A few pictures from that day, see below Picture by: Jan Peter van Popta,
below, picture by: Bart ter Haar,
To be continued

ICE COLD WINTERSESSION @ IJmuiden 10december 2012

The other day i took the monday off work. A northern swell was hitting our coastlines combined with crossoffshore winds. Didnt want to miss out on that one.
When i arrived in the morning around 10:00am the strong wind i hoped for was allready gone , bummer. The biggest sail i took with me today was a P7 salt 3g 5.6m2.
Rigged the 5.6 and underneeth my quatro quad LS95. This combo rocks! The wind was very minimal, at times 3 beaufort. behind the breaks it was sometime like 5 beaufort. the temperature was just 2 degrees above zero! seatemperature was even warmer this time (6degrees) Yikes.
i hardly planed on the way out, it was just a joyfull waveriding kinda day on the way in. A Vid from todays mellow wavesession will be coming online soon!