zondag 19 juni 2011

short session @ Horst 19june 2011

As i didnt had to much time today, and still sore from all the wavesailing from yesterday, i went for a bit of cruising at Horst.
Rigged up the 6.3 ac1 2k11 with the FF102. I tried out a widebased 25cm fin underneeth. the biggest C3 Slingshot 25cm. On a wide course it didnt gave any problems with a 63cm wide board. going upwind i had to give in to others. Unfortunately i didnt had any speeds yet on the GPS, as after a few laps my battery went dead. Forgot to charge the dang thing. The most wind came when my gps was off.
Windspeeds 14-27 knots. West direction.

A short session. I had to be home on time. A great moment of the day was besides getting spoiled by my kids and wife because its fathersday today, was seeing an old friend HAnsie B. again, who i had not seen the last 10 years. He was still surfing on the same gear as 10 years ago and still is just as good as back then lol.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik heb je nog gezien gister! Ik ging volgens mij het water op toen jij er af ging. Zeiltje ziet er erg goed uit!

  2. en heb je nog lekker gevaren?
    Ik heb geen idee hoor wie jij bent, maar leuk dat je zo nu en dan komt kieken op mn blog! Volgende keer even handjes schudden maar haha
    greets Edwin
