woensdag 24 juli 2013

Motion windsurfmagazine - MAGIC IRELAND! the REPORT


 The report, written by :  Peter van G. 

A great 6 page story about our last Boardkings wavesailing trip in Ireland.
It took a while though, but finally its in the new Motion windsurfmagazine. Go buy it now :-)

Its me on standing on the beach with my  white Dakine T5 Harness :-) and Windsurfinstructor Jem Hall is in front of me about to do a nice lay down jibe

on the left page, a great actionshot from me in the middle, that on the SUP  from RRD WASSUP 150Liter going for an off the lip.  Borrowed the NP sail from Jacco and was using JEm's SUP that day.

Next october we are going again for the BoardKings Irish Wavesailing trip 2013 , only with a much bigger group then last time. +- about 23, loads of sponsors joining in and a professional photographer and filmcameraman will join in.
it will be fun for sure, wind or no wind!  Although i prefer some insane stormchase conditions this time ;-)

Want to see more photos from this trip?  Click here  and here

zondag 14 juli 2013

High-end of the FLIKKA ED's BOX 103L - 22th june 2013

This weekend POINT-7 present at Wijkiki beach - NL.

Everyone was able to get their hands on the 2013 Point-7 sails and feel by theirself how great these sails are. Organized by Harco Jan, Point-7 Benelux

On top of the dunes,  the FLIKKA boys were present aswell, with a really nice quiver of customs!

Can you see the Flikka magic allready?

carbon, textreme.. whatever you wishes are.. FLIKKA.nl makes it possible.

Today Bart ter H.  was able to get his hands on a SALT 3G 5.6m2.
(the salt3G 5.6 was mine though, but really stoked to give him a try out on these sails.)

Bart rigged, stoked and ready to hit the waters!

As my salt 3g was used by Bart, i rigged up a Salt 5.2m2 myself. The wind should increase during the day so it was allright taking a smaller sized sail.

flikka.nl also present @ Wijkiki - Kristian S. going out for a testride on the SALT3G 4.8m2.

HEreby some GOPRO 3 Black shots:

Several other rides on da box!

Another evening session

Getting washed

Going for the pocket
Enjoying the Flikka Ride 


Time to switch sails. At the parking the wind kept on increasing. I had in minds to get my 4.6m2 but took my SWAG 4.2m2 instead.  My big ED's Box 103L was still on the beach. I decided to try out the high end of my new flikka custom EDS BOX. 

okay, lets give it a try.... 4.2m2 almost overpowerd on a 103L custom box.

Never could of imagine that my new custom  would work out so good with high wind conditions, as its a super light wind board with 103Liters.
because of the very small fin setup that i use : Maui Ultra Fins 2x Xtwins 16.5 + Xtwin 14.5 center the flikka edsbox was still very controllable. I never had any hard timesor out of control.  Only in the sky and by the landings you could feel there was a wider board underneeth.

going backside of the lip

slamming that lip

backside off the lip

See you guys next time !

Share the stoke!            BoardKings.com

Today 2 lucky guys were able to have a little testride on my FLIKKA Shark Ed's Box 103L.. my friend Robin B. in the early morning and  in the afternoon Kristian S.  from flikka.nl   I'm very curious about their experiences about my custom EDS Box. 
Feel free to share it in a comment below :-)