zondag 6 november 2011

POINT-7 SALT '12 is OUT! Rig session @home

The NEW SALT is out! Which got in the other day. :-)
As theres like NO wind allready for about a month, i had a little rigsession instead.

Used settings/equipment; recommended p7 c100 SRDM 370, p7 omega carbon boom set at 148cm, mastbase 0 cm, and tried a streamlined extension(set all below, which is +6cm) + the Four batten wavesail from Point-7, the SALT. Size 4.0m2. Weight of the sail: 3250gram!

A few detailshots!!!

SALT 4.0 rigged with the recommended settings:

Seems for me its a bit low end tuned.

For high end conditions i ll probably rig it like below.
streamlined extension set all below/ which is +6cm?

Now you can see the loose leech.

My 2yr old daughter just out of her bed... A Clear window as you can see ;o)

Hopefully SOONNNNNNN some serious winds again. We have had a strange autumn so far... less/no winds and much warmer temperatures. I do am wondering whats the wintermonths will bring.
CU on the water

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