Around 11 o'clock the wind changed to a more sideshore direction, the wind was rising hard and i went off to Wijk. For me its a one hour drive every single time. But again it was worth it. As i arrived, had a bit of doubts which sail to rig on, as the wind didnt reached its peak yet.

I choose my sado 4.5m2 which seem to be a good choice. A 5.0m2 would of been to much, and a 4.0m2 would of been to minimal at times but possible too. My friends
Robin rigged on a 4.2, and so did Martijn 'The Man', only he's 30k heavier, but it worked out for both. I guess for Robin the wind was a bit much at times. ;o)
My dad came around for the pictures, and several other cameramen and photographers were present.
Here im going for a high jump
- sequence -

Pictures above are captured from video from today.
Pictures below made by Jepe.
Me, cruising trough the shorebreaks of Wijk aan zee.

Martijn going off in front of JePe's lens.

Robin with his red combat