story continuess....................Here a nice picture from the board when it just came out of the 4-axis KMS3200 CNC Machinery.
The board still needs a lot of sanding here below.
Strapstance: I wanted to play a little with the settings of the straps. Normally you can choose a strapstance between 42-46cm. I personally like to have a wide strapstance. It gives me good control over the board. I can lean more into the waveface while bottumturning. I measured my favourite strapstance from my other 2 waveboards. A wide stance it is! Placed it on 46cm and 47cm. The frontstrap in just one insert option and back in the tailarea 2 insert options. The backstrap is placed quite back towards the tail and insert option 2 is even further back ;). 2 screws on each side of the footstrap, making sure it shouldnt ever break or get loose.
Single, twin, tri, thruster or quad? : A very wide twinfin setup with a trailerfin in the center it is, this should make the board feel loose and turn like crazy!
3 slotboxes, aswell for the center/trailerfin (instead of the USbox). It saves a bit of weight too.
The side boxes are placed 'toe' and maximally towards the rail. This setup should make the board very manouvrable. In my thinkingwise even more loose then a quad setup.
FINS: Probably placing 2x Maui Ultra Fins X-Twins 16.5cm in the sideboxes and in center a Maui Ultra X-Twin 14.5cm.
But i'll try for sure more fincombinations, that to play with the concept and find out whats best. The finsetup mentioned above would be the one to begin with.
Bottomshape: As the board is quite short and wide, it aint the fastest waveboard on the market (read: slow) That's why it comes with a fast waverocker to mantain a little speed still and gives it very good planing capabilities. A monoconcave bottom, into biconcave for the last 50cm of the board into a V in the tail.
In the Netherlands the conditions are in general, mushy, choppy and most of all nasty!
Combined with strong currents & sideonshore windconditions. This bottomshape should do the trick.
This custom is built with a sweetspot on the 5.6m2.. Point-7 SALT '13!
Sailrange: 5.0m2 as a minimum to a maximum sailsize of 6.2m2. The 5.0m2 is the sailsize where i eventually switch boards to a 85Liter quad.
Square, swallow, pin, fish, keelquad,diamond, zippytail...
What shall i choose for my full customized Flikka?
As its really a lightwindboard i didn't want the cutout to much inverted to the backstrap. As you can see here on the picture above its a squaretail but rounded slightly inverted - fish tail. The rails around the tail mantained very thin, that with a 103liter pumped inside this piece of gold. :-)
Why would go production, if you can go for Custom Made! :-)
below some more pictures
The wide point ;)
Check out all the extra (white)dyneema reinforcements in the nose area
and aside the mastrail , its bombproof!
The area where the footpads are going to be placed looks like it has nice reinforcements aswell.
Soft decks are history! Cant wait to abuse the board on the water anytime soon.
Trust me, the best is still yet to come !
Stay tuned for part 3 !
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