Today 16th of june i went to Strand Horst.
That for an easy sailing day, as i was quite sore from yesterdays session at Wijk aan zee.
I brought one sail with me, my biggest one, the Point-7 AC1 2k12 7.9m2 and one board AB+ 123liter.
Planned to do some cruising, but the wind dropped fast and ended up doing a photoshoot. :-)
. There was a SUPrace going on and some friends of mine were competing.
My buddy Jeroen G. down here below on his new fanatic race 14ft sup!
a last sprint to the finishline
Finally Jeroen crossed the finishline !! Great Job!
The winner of the event ! see here below.
more winners!
2 windsurfing/sup buddies of mine. Martijn on the left and Jeroen on the right!
Two great guys with a lot of passion for the sport!
The Von Orange from Martijn de M.
My buddy Martijn on the left. We deciced to round the Island together. A little fun suprace.
He goes fast on his Von orange, i was hardly able to hold onto his speed.
And he has just finsihed a race from 11 kilometres :-) says enough about my condition :-P
just rounded the Island and on our way back!
Warrrrrrrrrp speed going back to shore ;o)
And the winner is....... :-)
And sweaty and tired he was hehehe
Just joking Martijn, your the best!
Thanks to my son for making the pictures from the fun race :-)
Tuns of PICTURES from todays SUP RACE Island cross you can find here below